These Pets Seem Cute And Innocent, But Their Owners Shared Compromising Pictures That Show Otherwise

by Shelley Thompson

If you have a pet in your home, you know they are an important part of the family. Animals have so much love to give, yet they can also bring some problems. Maybe your cat cannot stop eating the plants, or the dog keeps pooping where it is not supposed to. These common issues are something most pet owners have faced at least once. Luckily, there are different ways to deal with these behaviors. And although this trend might not be the most effective tool to teach good manners to your furry friends, it is cool to show other pet owners that they are not alone. These people have shared their pet's most hilarious crimes on the Internet, so get ready to see them!

A cookie thief that got caught

We, humans, have social and moral laws that guide us. Otherwise, society would be in complete and utter chaos. Animals, on the other hand, do not possess the skills necessary to create or learn such rules. That is why they do things like this.

This puppy criminal stole from no other than a small child in a stroller. Not even the cruelest souls would dare yo do such a thing. But as dogs do not really have a moral compass, they can only think about getting the food.

An unfortunate and expensive purchase by a ferret

Every day, we get more and more surprised by how smart our cats, dogs, and even ferrets can be. Although sometimes they do some pretty dumb stuff, there are certain occasions where they can be a lot smarter than some people.

How a ferret gets to an internet-connected device and then to Amazon to buy a $184 cellphone is something far past our understanding. And its companion also tried to turn off the connection to potentially stop the purchase? We are beyond impressed.

This dog scared his dad with a fart

We can all agree that the worst part of watching a horror film is when there are jump scares. You can sometimes guess when they are going to happen, but they catch you completely off guard for the most part.

Something way worse than a movie jump scare is a real-life one! Imagine being all cozy at home watching a scary film and then suddenly a terrifying loud noise. Luckily for this man, it was just his dog letting one out.

This rooster has no chill

Roosters can be wonderful pets, but they have some slight disadvantages. Two that easily come to mind are that they might wake you up at dawn and that they look quite terrifying. Yet, you can hardly say that they mean it, right?

It seems like this one might be the exception. Apparently, this rooster got bored of being a good pet and found itself a new hobby. Is there anything more fun than scaring children and neighbors? We certainly cannot blame him.

This cat ate its own brother

Cats are without a doubt magnificent plotters. When they set their eyes on something they want, they will do whatever it takes to get it. Anything attempt by their owners to stop them does not matter. They will reach their objective one way or another.

This cat could not care less about its fish companion. From the moment it saw the aquarium, the furry mischief had begun plotting its meal. Honestly, we think this time the owners are a little at fault on this one.

This poor dog did not see the screen door

A cute characteristic of dogs is that they are excitable and energetic. They can spend a whole day running around without ever getting tired. But this excitement can go wrong, sometimes, they rush into things and end up in a pickle.

This jolly puppy's dad had just installed a screen door, but it could not wait for someone to open it to run through the glass. Saying that it ended up looking like the “Kool-Aid Man” is a nice way to put it.

A gift that was not well-received

We all love to give and receive presents. After working every day to earn money, spending it on our loved ones is always a great idea. Sadly, our pets do not have the means to buy us things, so they find other types of gifts.

This cat wanted to give a special present to its owners. However, it seems like this person was not very fond of having a mouse in their bedroom when they arrived home. At least the mouse was alive to take it out.

This is not how you should have breakfast in bed

Cats are experts at hunting small animals like mice or birds. And if you see things from their perspective, we are the dumb animals that cannot fetch our own food. So they will gift us their prey to feed us.

When this kitty's mother did not wake up to be fed, the worried pet had to take matters into its own hands (or paws). The problem is that this woman was completely horrified to find a dead mouse inside her mouth.

Having a small taste of Christmas

Who does not enjoy the Christmas season? One of the best parts is setting up the decorations and the beloved Christmas tree. The problem is that when you have pets in your home, leaving ornaments close to them is quite dangerous.

We have mentioned that leaving food unattended is something to avoid when you have pets, but now you cannot even be safe leaving ornaments. This dog thought the best way to enjoy the season was by gifting its family some Christmas poo.

The key thief

Cats and dogs have their little quirks and issues, but birds are on another level. They can be quite peculiar if they want to. For example, many birds like shiny things, so they will not hesitate to steal your set of enticing shiny, jingly keys.

This little toucan does not even know what it did wrong. It just wanted a new toy for its cage. It could not possibly know that those were Alex's keys. If it could apologize it would, so do not make it feel bad!

Stealing from the dog-sitter and ending up in the vet

There are people who think that dog sitting is a simple job most could do without much difficulty. Yet, this next story proves all these people wrong. And it also teaches us that you should not bring edibles while doing this job.

These dogs managed to steal from their dog-sitter. While one kept a lookout, the other snuck into their purse. The plan was going great, and they had found some pretty delicious food. Unfortunately for these dogs and their owners, these snacks were edibles.

This chubby cat has fooled us all

If there is something we would like to avoid in this article is body shaming a poor kitty. But we must say the size of this animal is quite impressive. Although it is not nearly as impressive as its acting skills.

Pan has the face of a cat that regrets nothing. We can picture him purring and meowing at strangers to receive a few snacks. It is truly an evil mastermind that will stop at nothing to eat some delicious food.

The dog that wants to be a cow

Having a pet sometimes feels like having a small child. You have to feed it, protect it and give it the attention it requires. And some pets can be even more demanding than a kid. Like this poor clingy dog.

Mooing like a cow seems like an exaggerated way to get its owner's attention. No human wants to be interrupted during an important online business meeting. But it must be hard for this furry friend to be left alone for that long.

Making friends on the road

As we have previously said, dogs (and pets in general) cannot grasp what is right and what is wrong. So they struggle to understand the rules we impose on them. For example that they cannot get in other people's cars.

Making new friends can be difficult if your humans do not let you get inside a stranger's van. Those kids were probably thrilled to have a puppy on their laps, but their parents must have been confused, to say the least.

Trying to catch a groundhog

Running after a ball, cars, humans and other animals is one of the favorite games of any dog. But they can get so excited while they are playing that they might not even realize they are getting themselves into some trouble.

Beau, for example, loves chasing groundhogs. But it seems like every time it does, this dog ends up stuck. Luckily, the Sheriff came to the rescue a couple of times. In spite of what the letter says, we think that Beau is quite sorry.

This cat wanted to live the rodeo life

While most cats love to be independent and live their own lives, some kitties need their family with them all the time. So much so that if you dare to leave on a trip without them, they'll find their way to you.

This gorgeous ginger decided that it wanted to join its human on a rodeo trip. After the three-hour ride, it was caught on the horse trailer. This cat might not know much about horses, but it did learn a lot about hotels.

The infamous socks thief is here

Not many people know this, but ferrets can be great pets. Their only issue is that they are quite sneaky. Not to mention they are clever as well. If your pet ferret gets bored, be ready to find a mess in your home.

Ruby looks adorable, but she has not been a good girl recently. It seems like she wanted to play a little scavenger hunt with her human's dirty socks. But they were not happy to find their laundry all over the apartment.

A good boy and a not so good one

When you compare all domesticated animals, the obvious conclusion is that dogs are the most obedient. But that is not always the case. Although they seem to be the animals that better understand us, dogs sometimes play by their own rules.

Hugo does not have an issue with answering whenever his human calls him. But Huxley, on the other hand, is a rebel. He cannot be bothered no matter how often they tell him to stop whatever mischief he is up to.

A hen on strike

Having a hen as a pet is great because there is a reciprocating relationship. You give her food, water, and shelter. In return, she lays a bunch of eggs you can use. It is a pretty sweet deal for both parties.

But this person had to buy eggs from the grocery store because apparently, their hen has not been laying any eggs. And how can blame her when her owner calls her a freeloading slacker. Hopefully, they did not mean it.

A bad attempt to hide the evidence

A great benefit of having a cat as a pet is that they are super clean. They bathe themselves and they always try to cover their business after going to their litter box. So little Puddy's situation certainly stands out.

This poor cat freaked out when he found out some of its poop outside the box. It is a pretty stressful situation after all. The only solution this kitty could come up with was to hide the evidence on the rug and sit on it.

This dog does not like toast but loves peanut butter

Dogs are pretty interesting creatures. Generally, they are the best companions, but they can be very greedy. And they are pretty intelligent too. We have seen many situations where these pets devise strategies to steal their humans' food, and some end up being successful for them.

In this picture, this little doggy looks innocent in this picture, but it is a thief. According to his owners, it licked the peanut butter off its dad's toast. It almost got away with it, but after eating three slices, its dad found out.

Renting and having a cat do not go together

Owning pets is a huge responsibility. Not only are you in charge of their safety, but you also are accountable for any mistakes they might make. These are all things to take into consideration when adopting any kind of pet.

These people thought that bringing a furry friend into their lives would be all fun and games, but they ended up getting a surprise. After all the ravage of this kitty, surely they will not get their security deposit back.

This dog really likes the taste of puzzle pieces

Dogs will eat pretty much anything they encounter. But generally, if they eat well at home, they will not go out of their way to steal something. Unless whatever they are going after is a delicacy or something like that.

For example, this dog cannot stop eating puzzle pieces. We do not really understand what might be the deal with them. But for this hairy puppy, they are the best snack ever. In this picture alone, you can see more than thirty pieces missing.

A fit punishment for eating a teddy

Did you know that dogs bite and destroy things when they get really excited? So it is kind of mean punishing them just because they got a little too happy. Especially if they use their own toys to release this energy.

If you get a dog a toy of any kind, it is impossible to expect it to stay intact. Poor Phife only did what every dog does. At least we appreciate that these owners' punishment was to make a cute hat out of the teddy's remains.

This hedgehog wants its family to have poopy toes

Hedgehogs are the latest pet trend. Everyone wants to own one of these tiny, adorable animals. They certainly look like the ideal pets, but things are not always what they seem. Just read the next example to see what we mean.

If you have ever had a pet, you know they love to leave unusual gifts around the house. But this lovely hedgehog took it a little too far. It decided to poop in each family member's slippers so they all have poopy toes.

Taking down the electronic competence

We do not always realize how weird technology can be for our pets. Noises that appear from nowhere, bright and colorful lights, and strangely shaped devices are some of the things that might freak out our cats, dogs, and other animals.

Not only that, but they can also get jealous of our technological devices. For example, Alexa is a big threat to pets like this little Shiba. This dog got so mad that this thing was getting more attention than it decided to end her.

Lying to get more food

All non-human animals rely on primal intuition. So they mostly care about their most important necessities. Food, water, and somewhere to sleep are obviously their main concerns. Even if they have met some of these necessities, they will look for more options.

This black cat does not care if it has already been fed. If it has the chance to get more food from clueless strangers, it will get it. Its meow may be lies, but anything goes to get a snack.

A lost battle with a skunk

It is hard to keep a dog from doing something they have set their minds on. No matter how obedient it might be, if your dog wants to eat, play with or fight something, they are going to do it.

This Husky could not pass the chance to fight a skunk. But neither he nor his family could foresee the consequences of his actions. Poor Apollo was covered with the stench. Now his family makes him wear an air freshener.

Giving the guests a welcome gift

Taking things from one place to another does not sound fun for most people. But dogs absolutely love it. They pick up random items and carry them around the house whenever they get bored, just like this lovely fellow did.

This dog did not know that its mom's underwear could not be gifted. Even if important guests are visiting the home. Honestly, if she did not want her pet to take it, she should have kept her underwear better hidden.

This dog is a fan of DIYs

One of the main requirements for any pet owner is to know what are their pet necessities and when it needs them. Sometimes it is hard because we cannot figure out what our cats or dogs are trying to tell us.

Look at how proud this puppy is of its wonderful DIY project. The problem here is that its owners did not provide a good doggy door for their pet in the first place. So we cannot blame it for fulfilling that necessity.

Your cat can be the best alarm clock

We all know that cats are nocturnal animals. If you have one as a pet, you probably already know that. If your kitty is independent, you can sleep all night long. But if you have a cat that is sort of clingy, it can be hard.

This poor cat only wanted to spend some quality time with its favorite human. All morning, afternoon, and evening were not enough for that. And any kitty with experience knows that the early morning is definitely the best time to play.

The hamburger thief

A widely known fact about dogs is that they have an incredible sense of smell. And meat is any dog's weakness. So as soon as they smell something like a burger, they will drop everything and head straight toward the food.

This fellow did not even care that the piece of food they wanted was in another car. It jumped straight into this stranger's vehicle and took the hamburger right out of their hands. At least it looks sorry for its actions.

This cat wants a snake friend

We have gone over many cases of dogs, cats, and even ferrets that enjoy misplacing or bringing things. But we have not seen a case where a cat likes to get new animals to the home and freak out its owners.

Seems like this mischief black cat is also an evil mastermind. Because it has brought to the home, not one but several snakes. And even after seeing its mom in distress, it keeps carrying more reptiles inside to freak her out even more.

The never-ending yarn

Cats love playing with yarn, string, or anything long and squiggly. It is part of their primal instincts to attack everything that sort of looks like prey. But it is important to watch out when they play with these because they could eat them.

This cat, for example, tried to eat yarn after playing with it for a while. To the cat's surprise, the supposed prey came out of its butt. So this at-home hunter got two play-times with yarn for the price of one.

Laptop chargers are not for teething

Puppies are really similar to human babies. They need to be fed by their mothers, cry a lot, and start to grow their first teeth. But unlike human baby teeth, those of a puppy can be way more damaging to whatever they bite.

The poor owners of Pacino learned this the hard way. This little dog found his dad's laptop charger while looking for something to chew on. But we do not agree with this puppy-shaming letter. Even if he destroyed that charger, Pacino is definitely not a bad pup.

Having a minty smell is crucial

Both dogs and cats love to eat wild plants as a source of fiber. This is another case of their primal instincts in action. The problem is that some plants can upset their stomachs when they eat too much of them.

Chewing a few leaves of mint will not hurt your pet. But if it is like the dog we have seen above, it can be dangerous. Luckily, the dog ended up getting the proper medical care, and everything was okay.

This cat does not tolerate nice things

When you get a pet for your home, you have to keep in mind that they might destroy everything inside it. Although this might sound like a pretty big exaggeration, you can ask Binx's owners their opinion on this issue.

This cat cannot care any less for its owners' things. They will not take the time to even learn how blinds work to avoid destroying them. Sadly, these people have had to make the difficult choice to stop buying nice things.

An elaborate plan to eat the family's pizza

Dogs love eating all sorts of weird things. You cannot leave anything of the size of their mouths remotely close to them because it will be gone in a second. Even when you place something on the table, you cannot ensure that they will not eat it.

This adorable dog is a perfect example. When the family left for a second, it seized the opportunity to steal their supper. And one slice simply was not enough. This cute thief reached the box on the counter and devoured the entire family-sized pizza.

This dog got mad after being left out

Some people believe that animals have a strong intuition that lets them know things. Even if you do not explicitly tell them. It is a sort of sixth sense. So when your pet senses something they do not like, they will act on it.

Look at the guilty look in this beautiful dog's eyes. It knows it has done something wrong, but we are unsure if it regrets it. This pet was so upset to be excluded from its owner's trip that it decided she was not going either.

This cat does not care about the law

As we have seen through this article, cats and dogs are opposites. Of course, they are from two separate species, but they also have different attitudes toward their owners. Dogs are super dependent, but cats could not care less about the people around them.

You could be yelling at your cat to stop doing whatever it is doing wrong, and it will not care in the slightest. Like this orange fellow literally looking at its owner's eyes while it peed on her hoodie without even flinching.