Malamute Dog Helps Husky Best Friend Adjust to Vision Loss By Keeping the Pup Active and Happy

Siberian husky Sterling, who lost his vision due to glaucoma, continues to enjoy all his favorite outdoor activities in Seattle with help from his best friend Walker the Alaskan Malamute

Sterling and Walker Siberian Huskies
Photo: sterlingandwalke/MERCURY PRESS

Siberian husky Sterling and Alaskan Malamute Walker have been best friends since the day they met, and their relationship has only strengthened since Walker became Sterling's unofficial guide dog.

According to Caters News, Sterling, 11, was diagnosed with glaucoma over three years ago. The eye condition caused the husky to go blind. At first, Sterling's owners, Lillian and Mark McKee, were worried the canine wouldn't adjust well to losing his vision.

"After his first procedure, he was pretty down, but we took him to the beach with Walker, and he perked up instantly," Lillian told Caters News.

Since then, Walker, 10, has made sure that Sterling keeps up with all of his favorite activities like playing in the snow, enjoying nature near their Seattle home, and visiting the beach.

"We've found that still doing his favorite activities like running, long walks, trips to the beach have really helped him to be his old cheery self," Lillian said. "Walker loves getting him to play, and part of me thinks he doesn't even realize that Sterling is blind sometimes."

Walker stays by Sterling's side even in the calm moments, often napping and dining next to his canine buddy. The more laid-back and goofy Walker is also happy to take commands from Sterling, according to the dog duo's owners.

"I think having someone to boss around is definitely why he's still such a happy dog," Lillian said of her blind husky's relationship with Walker.

Walker even dresses like his pal Sterling, who used to work as a therapy dog before losing his vision.

To protect his eye area, Sterling wears goggles on some outdoor excursions.

"To protect his eyes, Sterling has a few pairs of ski goggles that we rotate," Lillian explained. "So he doesn't feel left out, Walker has a pair too."

The pup pair often wears matching bandanas as well, posing in the cute accessories for Instagram photos. Sterling and Walker share an Instagram account (@sterlingandwalker) where over 13,900 fans follow their friendship and outdoor playdates.

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