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What happens to worn-out rock climbing ropes? This teen turns them into dog leashes and gives all profits to animal groups.

July 23, 2021 at 6:00 a.m. EDT
Alexander Tsao, holds his dog, Jinger, with a Rocks2Dogs leash he made from upcycled rock climbing ropes, in Redmond, Wash. (Anson Tsao)
4 min

During a rock climbing session at his local gym, Alexander Tsao gazed at the rope that was keeping him secured 40 feet off the ground and suddenly had a thought: What happened to the ropes when they started to fray?

Tsao, then 16, asked the owners of the climbing gym, who told him that they inspect the ropes weekly and replace them when they age out or show wear. He also learned that the ropes were usually discarded.