Cat Is Determined To Fit Inside His New Haunted House

“My husband and I laughed when we realized just how small the house is compared to him" 😹😻

Percy was adopted from the RSPCA just under a year ago, and his family has fallen absolutely in love with him. 

“Percy is a massive baby,” Kira-Kay Wilson told The Dodo. “He loves baths, belly rubs and is the most over-affectionate cat.”

cat haunted house
Kira-Kay Wilson

Every time Wilson goes out shopping, she likes to come home with a gift for Percy. His favorite kind of gift is definitely anything he can sit in. 

“He has always loved sitting in anything from boxes to baskets,” Wilson said. 

cat haunted house
Kira-Kay Wilson

On a recent shopping trip, Wilson found a cat box haunted house and knew immediately that she needed to buy it for Percy. She took it home and quickly set it up, eager for Percy to see it — but she soon realized that Percy might be a little too big for it.

“My husband and I laughed when we realized just how small the house is compared to him,” Wilson said. 

cat haunted house
Kira-Kay Wilson

Despite the obvious size difference, Percy was determined to use the haunted house anyway, and his parents helped him squeeze into it and get settled. 

“He was curious when he first saw the house but is too big for the doorway so my husband had to lift him in, then he was in love,” Wilson said. 

cat haunted house
Kira-Kay Wilson

Next time she goes shopping, Wilson will definitely remember the haunted house incident and take Percy’s size into account before buying him another gift. Percy, however, doesn’t see anything wrong with his new haunted house and loves it just the way it is.

“He still uses it, he loves small spaces,” Wilson said.