Dog Refuses To Get His Butt Wet During Bathtime

“[He’s] extremely stubborn" 😂

Getting a dog into a bath can be a challenge, but Oaken doesn’t mind it — as long as the water doesn’t touch his fluffy butt. Ever since the mini Australian shepherd first came into Michaela Koch’s life, Oaken has never liked getting his butt wet and makes sure his mom knows.

“[He’s] extremely stubborn, but at the same time he is extremely cuddly,” Koch told The Dodo.

Dog doesn't like taking a bath
Michaela Koch

Every time Koch tries to give Oaken a bath, he performs the same hilarious routine: “He will scoot his way to the back of the tub and from there just put his feet on the wall or edge,” Koch said. “As we continue to give him a bath, he just continues to move his feet further up the wall!”

Dog doesn't like getting his butt wet in the bath
Michaela Koch

“He’s always tried sliding his feet up the side of the shower since he was a puppy,” she added.

Michaela Koch

Oaken has become an expert at balancing on two paws, with his feet up on the slippery edge. Of course, no matter how hard he tries, Oaken eventually has to let his mom scrub his behind, and the good boy never tries to jump out of the bath.

Michaela Koch

It doesn’t matter what body of water Oaken finds himself in, his reaction is the same. “We have a baby pool for him and he will stand in there, but when it comes to sitting in the pool, he refuses,” Koch said.

Michaela Koch

While Oaken is not a fan of baths, there is one thing he loves about them — the zoomies. “He gets insane after-bath zoomies where he continues to parkour off of all the furniture knocking over everything in his way,” Koch said. “Bathtime is just not a favorite, but at least he loves his humans!”