Cat cafe runs out of cats so they have bunnies instead (audio story)

Bunnies instead of cats at cat cafe
Bunnies instead of cats at cat cafe. Now called Bunny Bar.
Two useful tags. Click either to see the articles:- Toxic to cats | Dangers to cats

Cafe: Catfe (now called a ‘Bunny Bar’)
Place: Vancouver
Issue: Ran out of cats
Solution: Replace cats with bunnies
Strange word in audio file: ‘pivots’ meaning ‘change’

Do you like this?! Do you understand the story? It is recited by a robot (well actually software).

Here is a video in case you didn’t understand 🙂

1 thought on “Cat cafe runs out of cats so they have bunnies instead (audio story)”

  1. Ran out of cats?

    On what planet did this happen?

    Bunnies need help too, but these people come across as fashionable exploiters. I wonder if they were obsessing about allergies to cats and litigation?

    What will they do when they run out of bunnies?

    Guineapig bistros?


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